
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Biology Prefixes and Suffixes Index

Have you ever heard of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? This is an actual word, but dont let that scare you. Some science terms can be difficult to comprehend: By identifying the affixes -- elements added before and after base words -- you can understand even the most complex terms. This index will help you identify some commonly used prefixes and suffixes in biology. Common Prefixes (Ana-): indicates upward direction, synthesis or buildup, repetition, excess or separation. (Angio-): signifies a type of receptacles such as a vessel or shell. (Arthr- or Arthro-): refers to a joint or a junction that separates different parts. (Auto-): identifies something as belonging to oneself, occurring within or occurring spontaneously. (Blast- , -blast): indicates an immature developmental stage. (Cephal- or Cephalo-): referring to the head. (Chrom- or Chromo-): denotes color or pigmentation. (Cyto- or Cyte-): regarding or relating to a cell. (Dactyl-, -dactyl): refers to a digit or tactile appendages such as a finger or toe. (Diplo-): means double, paired or twofold. (Ect- or Ecto-): means outer or external. (End- or Endo-): means inner or internal. (Epi-): indicates a position that is above, on or near a surface. (Erythr- or Erythro-): means red or reddish in color. (Ex- or Exo-): means external, out of or away from. (Eu-): means genuine, true, well or good. (Gam-, Gamo or -gamy): refers to fertilization, sexual reproduction or marriage. (Glyco- or Gluco-): pertains to a sugar or a sugar derivative. (Haplo-): means single or simple. (Hem-, Hemo- or Hemato-): denoting blood or blood components (plasma and blood cells). (Heter- or Hetero-): means unlike, different or other. (Karyo- or Caryo-): means nut or kernel, and also refers to the nucleus of a cell. (Meso-): means middle or intermediate. (My- or Myo-): means muscle. (Neur- or Neuro-): referring to nerves or the nervous system. (Peri-): means surrounding, near or around. (Phag- or Phago-): pertaining to eating, swallowing or consuming. (Poly-): means many or excessive. (Proto-): means primary or primitive. (Staphyl- or Staphylo-): referring to a cluster or bunch. (Tel- or Telo-): denoting an end, extremity or final phase. (Zo- or Zoo-): pertaining an animal or animal life. Common Suffixes (-ase): denoting an enzyme. In enzyme naming, this suffix is added to the end of the substrate name. (-derm or -dermis): referring to tissue or skin. (-ectomy or -stomy): pertaining to the act of cutting out or the surgical removal of tissue. (-emia or -aemia): referring to a condition of the blood or the presence of a substance in the blood. (-genic): means giving rise to, producing or forming. (-itis): denoting inflammation, commonly of a tissue or organ. (-kinesis or -kinesia): indicating activity or movement. (-lysis): referring to degradation, decomposition, bursting or releasing. (-oma): indicating an abnormal growth or tumor. (-osis or -otic): indicating a disease or abnormal production of a substance. (-otomy or -tomy): denoting an incision or surgical cut. (-penia): pertaining to a deficiency or lack. (-phage or -phagia): the act of eating or consuming. (-phile or -philic): having an affinity for or strong attraction to something specific. (-plasm or -plasmo): referring to tissue or a living substance. (-scope): denoting an instrument used for observation or examination. (-stasis): indicating the maintenance of a constant state. (-troph or -trophy): pertaining to nourishment or a method of nutrient acquisition. Other Tips While knowing suffixes and prefixes will tell you much about biological terms, its helpful to know a few other tricks for deciphering their meanings, including: Breaking down words: Breaking down biological terms into their component parts can help you decipher their meanings.Dissections: Just as you might dissect a frog to separate (it) into pieces, as Merriam-Webster explains, you can also break down a biological term to expose its several parts for scientific examination.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Rise Of The Roman Revolution - 1601 Words

Ancient Rome is filled with stories of sabotage, betrayal, and revenge. These events are the direct result of a conspiracy that sparks political debate even today. One of the more controversial events occurred a relatively short time before Caesar’s rule and when of the Roman Republic when Senators were brutal in their methods of winning elections. The Roman election of 63 B.C.E. had become the foundation for the conspiracy against a Roman senator Cicero by another Roman senator popularly known as Catiline. Ultimately, Catiline’s plan had been unveiled and despite trying to incite a revolution, he had died fighting as he fled the city. The fall of Catiline was the result of The economy of Rome during that period, the election of 63 B.C.,†¦show more content†¦Catiline’s dark past included the aspirations for being a ruler with his agenda inspired by his criminal tendencies. His plan was simple, â€Å"about the measures he adopted, he felt no solicitude; to be the tyrant of his country by any means†. His nature was later also pointed out by Cicero who used this point against Catiline. The elections of 63 B.C. would further Catiline’s plot to overthrow the Roman Government. His intentions were made clear when he spoke to his friends. When he met with them, he spoke of their liberty and power in government. Such is the case when he mentions, â€Å"for fine a few great ones have got the power into their hands, they have had always Kings and Tetrarchs and Tributaries; Nations and Provinces have paid them a private revenue: all we have fellows, noble and ignoble, have been a despicable mob in their eyes, without favor, without authority, obnoxious to them, to whom, if the administration had run in the true channel, we ought to have been a terror†. This shows Catiline’s far reaching political aspirations and keen interest in running for public offices of the republic. We notice that Catiline continues on his destructive path mentioning that should the government be on the correct path, they would be a force to be reckoned with. Catiline’s fri ends who were likely also Senators as well helped him in his efforts to push the conspiracy forward which would ultimately becomeShow MoreRelatedThe Economic Expansion Of Venice1738 Words   |  7 Pagesreversed again. The comparison of England’s Industrial Revolution with other countries, such as Rome which took steps for institutional innovations. Rome changed from the Republic (510 BC–49 BC) to the Empire (49 BC–AD 476). Western Europe’s subsequent institutional development, though it was not a direct inheritance of Rome, was a consequence of critical junctures that were common across the region in the wake of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Impact Of Economic Policy Change for Donald Trump -MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theImpact Of Economic Policy Change for Donald Trump. Answer: The aim of the essay is to analyse the possible positive or negative impact of Donald Trump election as US president on the energy sector of Australian economy. Australia is integrated with US economy through Transpacific Trade. Donald Trump opposes the globalisation policy to revive US economy. The effect of global financial crisis and sub mortgage crisis in the US economy has not been eliminated fully. Therefore, the thought of trump is that reduction of alliance with global economies and vision in inward oriented growth of US economy (dfat.gov.au 2017). Hence, restriction in trade with global economies may hamper trade relation with Australia and economic growth of Australia. Australia is net exporter of energy and main resource of the energy sector is coal and natural gas. As demand for coal export is reducing due to climate change and shift of demand is towards renewable energy, Australian energy sector is developing potential towards this energy. During 2015, amount of total export in US was $10.2 billion, which is 5.4% of total export (industry.gov.au 2015). Figure 1: Australian export share (Source: minerals.org.au 2013) Australia is a great sources wind and solar energy. Therefore, there is ample opportunity for Australia to increase energy trade with US due to increasing demand. Although US is rich in energy resources and improved in technology and has absolute advantage in energy production, both Australia and US can gain from trade. According to the Ricardian trade theory, trade can take place between two country even one country has no absolute advantage over production of any of the traded goods. Trade is taken place based on comparative advantage. Opportunity cost of producing energy product in Australia may be less than production of another goods or services. Both countries can gain from trade if both producing and exporting the goods having comparative advantage of production. Feenstra (2015) argued that gains from trade can be dissimilar due to differences in terms of trade and relative elasticity of export and import demand. Gains from trade are accrued to the country having low elasticity of export demand in foreign market and high elasticity of import demand in domestic market. Trade revenue improves with increase in export and reduction in import. Modern trade theory of Heckscher-Ohlin argued that trade takes place in the presence of incomplete specialisation and differences in factor endowment (Johnson 2013). This model supports intra industry trade. However, according to new trade theory of Paul Krugman, modern economies engage in international trade to take advantage of increasing return or economies of scale from trade and not observing the differences in the factor endowment across regions (Helpman and Razin 2014). If modern trade theory is considered, then also energy trade between US and Australia is gainful. International trade relationship between US and Australia is increasing in the era of globalisation. In this circumstance, restrictive trade policy can hamper economic cooperation between two countries. Trump is against the Trans- Altantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Trans- Pacific Partnership, where multiple countries are engaged in trade agreement including US and Australia (dfat.gov.au 2017). If anti globalization policy is implemented in US, export of energy to the US economy may be cut or stopped, which can reduce trade revenue and capital inflows in Australia. Domestic economy of Australia may be affected for this policy of Trump. As GDP can be presented through the equation, GDP = C+I+G+(X-M), where all the components of GDP such as consumption, investment, government expenditure and net export are expenditure side of the GDP. If energy trade is reduced due to decreasing demand, revenue of this industry would be reduced. As a result energy sector may shrink as coal and natural gas are main component of energy trade. As net export (X-M) reduces, income of people working in this sector may reduce with reduction in employment opportunity. Per capita income associated with the energy sector may reduce to negatively affect the consumption demand. As a spill over effect, demand for different consumer goods in the domestic industry may decrease (Balistreri and Tarr 2016). However, as argued by Findlay and Lundahl (2017), the effect of anti globalization policy may not affect the energy industry of Australia significantly, as Australia is linked with other regional economies with greater share in trade. In the view of Feenstra (2015), over reliance on US economy is a major cause of global economic or financial crisis. Economic cooperation other developed and developing economies may reduce trade risk and risk of policy uncertainty in the US economy. Demand for coal is likely to reduce in many countries due to increasing demand for renewable resources. Australia may focus to the growth of energy sector to penetrate into the new market for export instead of US. This can reduce the negative effect of US protectionism policy on Australian economy. It can be concluded from overall analysis is that energy sector of Australia is likely to be affected by the Trump decision of anti protectionism policy. Black coal consists largest share in the total energy export from Australia, where US has 5.4 % share of total trade with Australia. Anti globalization policy and opposing the idea of Trans- Altantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Trans- Pacific Trade may reduce the trade volume of Australia. As studied in previous section, open trade is beneficial for both countries in the presence of comparative advantage. However, protectionism restricts the gains from trade and also restricts the economy to gain increasing return. Decision of Trump is to restrict capital outflow from US economy. Therefore, reduction in trade revenue and capital inflows is likely to occur in the Australian economy after Trump selection. References Balistreri, E.J. and Tarr, D., 2016. Comparison of Welfare Results from Trade Liberalization in the Armington, Krugman and Melitz Models: Impacts with features of real economies. dfat.gov.au 2017. Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/trade/agreements/tpp/pages/trans-pacific-partnership-agreement-tpp.aspx [accessed on 05.25.2017] Feenstra, R.C., 2015.Advanced international trade: theory and evidence. Princeton university press. Findlay, R. and Lundahl, M., 2017. Modeling Global Interdependence: Centers, Peripheries and Frontiers. InThe Economics of the Frontier(pp. 95-104). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Helpman, E. and Razin, A., 2014.A theory of international trade under uncertainty. Academic Press. industry.gov.au, 2015. Energy in Australia. Available at: https://industry.gov.au/Office-of-the-Chief-Economist/Publications/Documents/energy-in-aust/Energy-in-Australia-2015.pdf [accessed on 05.25.2017] Johnson, H.G., 2013.International Trade and Economic Growth (Collected Works of Harry Johnson): Studies in Pure Theory. Routledge. minerals.org.au 2013. Exports. Available at: https://www.minerals.org.au/resources/coal/exports [ accessed on 05.25.2017]

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Pursuit of Desires or the Attainment of Them free essay sample

What a common man strives for isn’t a promenade through life but true experience which will be perpetual. The thought to pacify life brings pleasure, pleasure provokes satisfaction and satisfaction drives desire and indeed desire keeps man alive. The basic thing that makes your life moving and on going is the pursuit of your desires. Without desires life is going to be stagnant. Desires give you a motivation force to do better and to strive for more. The journey to obtain a desire is going to be very complicated with full of hurdles in between but at the end of the day that journey is cherished more than the actual attainment of the desire. A conspicuous personality of the music industry is Dingo. Dingo started playing guitar at the age of 13 and then at age of 20 he was a well known musician of his time. Dingo together with his family was celebrating a birthday party but unfortunately the candle slipped and fell into a highly inflammable plastic furrows at home. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pursuit of Desires or the Attainment of Them or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In just a minute the whole house was set on fire. Dingo wasn’t burned to death but his left leg was amputated and three of his five fingers did not function. For a guitar player fingers are very important but Dingo was determined and his desire let him to work harder and harder and finally Dingo again became a professional and is treated as the pioneer of jazz. His desire gave him the strength to work harder and harder and he recalls that the journey of learning to play with two fingers gives him more satisfaction and happiness than the attainment of his desire. It is the pursuit of our desires that keep us alive. Everyday we wake up with a new desire, a new hope, a new wish in our minds and work our day out to attain it. The desire gives us a reason to live and a reason to strive for. Without desires, without their pursuit we will be like zombies, we will be lost searching for the reason to stay alive. National Institute of Mental Health: The 9. 5% of the adult population that is nearly 18. 8 million American adults suffer from clinical depression. This supports my above point that at the older age when senior people have a lack of desires eventually they feel dead and life becomes stagnant for them which leads them to depression and mental illness. Albeit some people have attained their desires but still lack of pursuits make their life still and makes them feel dead inside. Thus pursuit of your desire compels you to live and fight for your dreams. As it is said in the book Freedom and Response by Herbit Morris pg 185 that what compels a man for fox hunting? It is not the catching if the fox. No one joins in the hunting for actually hinting the fox but they are there for the eagerness of their pursuit. Before the chase what the fox hunter desires is not the capture of the fox but the pleasure of pursuing it and only for that pleasure an important vehement is to catch the fox. This desire which did not exist at first later increases intensively and becomes a driving force because of the pursuit itself. Coming to a common day example, a boy sees a girl and he desires to talk to her. This pursuit of desire provokes him and finally he is able to talk to her. Next desire to get a number, after fulfilling this desire he want to get committed to her, then marriage and then kids and the cycle keeps on going. The desires are never ending and the pursuit of them makes him feel alive and happy and bring joy in his life. There isn’t going to be one day when there isn’t a desire and when that day comes, he’ll finally start feeling the emptiness that once wasn’t there. The cycle of desire never ends. According to the statistics of 2010 in U. S 92. 3 billion cell phones are sold every year (http://www. consultingcase101. com/how-many-cell-phones-are-sold-in-u-s-in-a-year/). And why is this? The answer to this is simple and that is the pursuit of our desires. Albeit you have cell and it is perfectly all right but when a new one comes in the market you desire for it and finally the pursuit enables you to have it and then what? Although you have attained your desire but the satisfaction of it is temporary and again your desire for a new one emerges. So again the debate goes on, the pursuit of a desire, the desire of a lay man is getting education, being married, being the favorite of his truant boss and eventually owning the place that he once worked for, as simple as that. But perhaps what makes this man alive and strive for this aren’t the neon lights reflecting his eyes but the desire to have it all, to stand out from the crowd, excitement overtakes him at this thought and even though it yet seems an immensively odd situation it ought to be as he glares at hs reflection. Desire is much more liken an addiction. It’s a heroine that keeps you alive or your personal brand of drugs. It keeps you awake, running, fighting, and just when you think Mother Nature would lend him a hand by blowing the wind of luck at his side, and the addiction to strive grew more. The addiction to pursuit one desire is in your blood and the moment the addiction finishes you grow numb and hungry again.