
Friday, May 31, 2019

Sir Gawain and Green Knight Essays: Plot Elements :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays

Plot Elements in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The most striking feature of the organisation of plot elements in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the fact that the meaning of the poem is enacted by the shape of the narrative itself. The three major elements of the plot of this narrative the Beheading Game, the Temptation, and the Exchange of net are linked in a trend which helps convey the meaning of the poem. The reader quickly realises the interdependence of the Temptation plot and the Exchange of Winnings plot. The sleeping room scenes correlate with the hunting scenes - therefore each one must be understood in reference to the other. On each of the three days the behaviour of Sir Gawain corresponds to that of the animal, which had been killed on that day. On the first day he is cautious - like a deer on the second he is more like a boar and on the third he is cunning - like a fox. These are not the only similarities between the two plot elements . Hunting is primarily u sed in literature as a metaphor for the pursuit of love - that is for courting. This metaphor had most probably already been known in the shopping mall Ages and was used by the Gawain Poet. The most important device used to make readers aware of the interdependence of these two plot elements is the technique of narration. Great care is taken to make sure the reader understands that the chamber scenes and the hunt scenes happen at the same time. The narration jumps from the castle to the forest Pursuing the wild swine till the sunshine slanted./All day with this deed they drive forth the time/While our lone knight so lovesome lies in his bed.(l 1467-1469). Each bedroom scene is inserted into a hunting scene - which emphasises their simultaneity. The Beheading Game is also linked to the other two plot elements - but in a way which only becomes visible to the reader after having read the entire text of the poem. At first, the castle episode seems to be an interlude between the two part of the Beheading Game. The reader awaits the climax - that is the second part of the Beheading Game. Finally it turns out that the real test has already taken place and the Game itself proves to be an anticlimax.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Teaching Intolerance: How Society Enforces Commnunity by Laura Mann :: Teaching Education

Teaching fanaticism How Society Enforces Community In her essay Teaching Intolerance How Society Enforces Community Laura Mann reflects on an autobiography by Tommi Avicolli. He Defies You Still The Memoirs of a Sissy is a stimulating account of the pain he underwent as a young adult. Mann evaluates the societal norm of teasing and mocking one because of actions. While it is shocking and recognizably wrong, it seems ordinary to ascertain someone being called a fag for dressing a certain way or a queer for acting a certain way. It is much more usual to hear men calling other men names like this, but when it is a woman being ridiculed by women or even other men, it takes on a whole different meaning. For example, someone who was non a close friend but an acquaintance nonetheless went through similar ridicule in high school. She was poked at for being too butch or overly manly. While you hear terms like this fairly often, why does it flap a different reaction from when guys call other guys a fag?She is actual quite normal, but a rumor was started that she was a lesbian. Instead of confronting her or so it or ignoring the rumor, people started to talk even more. Mann accurately describes the situation as it went in our small high school, how kids would not be his friend because they feared labels (Mann 65). As argue to asking this girl, people steered clear because they feared it would rub off. People began to call her dyke and other similar names without thinking twicebut they scarcely did it in private. As major as this story was in our high school, no one dared to say anything too loud for fear it might very get back to the subject. It seems that with boy, no one cares if the person involved hears. In fact, that is quiet the purpose of mocking him. It is even more acceptable for girls to call guys names. A girl saying that a boy is gay based on his actions is not unusual or questioned by others. There is a double warning for what is allowed and what is not. It is okay for boys to mock other boys or girls to mock boys but it is more damaging and less accepted for girls to bully their own kind. I am not saying it doesnt happen, but it rarely happens without censorship to the party at hand.

Affirmitive Action In The College Admissions Process Essay -- essays r

Every year millions of high school seniors apply to colleges and universities across the sylvan. Some get in, some(a) dont. These schools have strict policies on the criteria for the acceptance of such(prenominal) students. The criteria involve many aspects of a students prior academic career, such as their academic standing, extra curricular activities and work ethic. These are criteria that put everyone on the same level because everyone has the ability to work harder or join more athletics. However, no one can change the color of their skin, and colleges base their admissions on these variables as well. So racism, in a sense, affects even the most basic of human ideals, education. If any men are truly created equal, as it is written, then race should not matter. Why arent college admissions based solely on merit? No soul should be given an advantage based solely on the color of his or her skin. Racism is the belief that one particular race is superior to another. end-to-end h istory people have been persecuted or singled out because of the color of their skin, even in our own country. How can this be in a country that claims that whole men are created equal? Racism is so much a part of American culture now that we have claims of reverse racism and programs implemented, such as affirmative action, not just to protect the rights of a different person but to further them along in life and to make things easier for them. When this country was founded, it was believed that people that were born with a different color skin were inferior to those with white skin. They were in fact enslaved before America was actually founded, and this treatment act until the country was nearly a hundred years old. Since then African Americans and other races have been attempting to reach equality in this country. One such system has been through education. In America, intelligence for the most part is respected, just as much as hard work. College in this country is the epito me of both. In the university riding horse young adults are pushed to their limits. Their intelligence is tested on a daily basis in many different ways. Some classes involve heavy paternity and still others involve written exams as their form of grading. Work ethic is also pushed. Homework is assigned and the true student does these assignments to maintain th... ... Lomotey. The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education. Albany State University of New York Press, 1991. Browne-Miller, Angela. Shameful Admissions. San Franscisco Jossey Bass Inc., 1996. Kleiner, Carolyn. Wanted a whole rainbow of talent Colleges are vying for minority students. U.S. News and public Report 18 Volume 129 Sep. 2000. Marcus, Amy Dockser. Class struggle. Money Volume 29 Oct. 2000.Meacham, Jon. The new face of race Newsweek Volume 136 Sep/ 18, 2000. Reisberg, Leo. A professors controversial analysis of why black students are losing the race The Chronicle of Higher Education Volume 46 11 Aug. 2000.Selin go, Jeffrey. Floridas universities see bone up in minority enrollment after end of racial preferences. The Chronicle of Higher Education Volume 47 8 Sep. 2000. Pages 1-3. Walsh, Laurie A. et al. Affirmative action in American higher education and the goal of diversity in physical therapy programs Journal of Physical Therapy Volume 14 Spring 2000.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Serious Errors within Rene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy :: Philosophy Religion Essays

Serious Errors within Rene Descartes Meditations on setoff PhilosophyOne of Rene Descartes major culminations in Meditations on First Philosophy is I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my judgement (Descartes17). This statement can be explicated by examining Descartes Cartesian method of interrogative sentence and his subsequent discovery of basic truths. Even though I do moot that Descartes concludes with a statement that is accurate cogito ergo sum, there are areas of his proof that are susceptible to defamation. These objections discover serious error with Descartes method used in determining the aforementioned conclusion.In the first meditation, Descartes makes a conscious decision to search for in each of them his opinions at least some reason for doubt(12). Descartes rejects anything and everything that can be doubted and quests for something that is undeniably certain. The b eation of his doubt is that his opinions are largely established by his senses, yet from time to time I Descartes have found that the senses deceive, and it is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once(12). First, Descartes establishes that error is possible, employing the example of the straight stick that appears bent when partially go under in water, as mentioned in the Sixth Replies (64-65). Secondly, he proves that at any given time he could be deceived, such is the case with realistic dreams. Further, Descartes is able-bodied to doubt absolutely everything since it cannot be ruled out that some malicious monster has employed all his energies in order to deceive me (15). The malicious demon not only causes Descartes to doubt God, but also sends him unexpectedly into a deep whirlpool which tumbles me around so that I can neither protest on the bottom or swim on the top(16). Descartes has reached the point where he must begin to rebuild by se arching for proof.In the instant meditation, Descartes is searching for an Archimedian point on which to seed a pearl of certainty. By doubting everything in his first meditation, Descartes consequently doubts his own existence. It is here that a certainty is unearthed If I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed(17). However, Descartes does not deduce existence from thought by means of syllogism, but recognizes it as something self-evident by a simple intuition of the mind, or in other words, by natural light (Second Replies68).

Othello †Racism Expressed in Words Essay -- Othello essays

Othello Racism Expressed in Words The Bard of Avons tragic play Othello expresses racism there is no doubt about this among most critics. However, to what degree to a vulgar extent? Or to an excusable level? In her book, E rattlingbodys Shakespeare Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack comments on the audiences reaction to the black-white union in the play That a beautiful Venetian girl should fall in love with a veritable negro seemed to many an(prenominal) implausible, in fact monstrous. The words are Coleridges, but the sentiment was widely shared and, on the nineteenth-century stage, was increasingly taken into account by orientalizing the hero, making him protrude to be what one of the centurys best-known actor-directors declared he emphatically was not a negro but a stately Arab. (129) In the opening scene, while Iago is expressing his dislike, or rather hatred, for Othello for his having chosen Michael Cassio for the lieutenancy, he contrives a plan to p artially avenge himself (I follow him to serve my turn upon him), with Roderigos assistance, by alerting Desdemonas father, Brabantio, to the fact of his daughters elopement with Othello. Roderigo shares Iagos prejudiced attitude toward Othello What a full fortune does the thicklips owe / If he croup carryt thus The word thicklips is a disparaging reference to a facial characteristic of many members of the black race. David Bevington in William Shakespeare Four Tragedies describes how racism is obvious from the very outset of the play Othello is unquestionably a black man, referred to disparagingly by his detractors as the thick-lips, with a sooty bosom (1.1.68 1.2.71) Elizabethan usage ap... ...rsity. 1996. http//www.eiu.edu/multilit/studyabroad/othello/othello_all.html No store nos. Wayne, Valerie. Historical Differences Misogyny and Othello. The Matter of Difference Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed Valerie Wayne. Ithaca, NY Cornell University Press, 1991. W itt, Mary Ann Frese, et al., eds. Black and White Symbols in Othello. The Humanities Cultural Roots and Continuities. Vol.1. Lexington, MA D.C. Heath, 1985. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. The Engaging Qualities of Othello. Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Introduction to The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare. N. p. Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1957.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A University Student Budget Sheet :: Papers

A University Student Budget Sheet In this assignment I will be consulting a university students Budget schedule I will be offering the student advice on how to solve problems when in dept by offering an student loan, grants etc. I will be referring to the budget schedule to what areas the student can cut sort on to cover the other costs mostly needed to be covered. UNIVERSITY STUDENT BUDGET SCHEDULE Mouthly Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total INCOME DESCRIPTION University Student (Grant) 142 142 142 142 570 bet and dividends 0 0 0 0 0 Savings 150 0 0 0 150 TOTAL INCOME 292 142 142 142 720 EXPENSE DESCRIPTION lulu shop and barber 5 0 5 0 10 Cable TV 15 0 15 0 30 raiment 50 0 50 0 100 Credit card payments 25 0 25 0 50 Electricity 50 0 0 0 50 Entertainment and recreation 25 25 25 25 100 Gas company 50 0 0 0 50 Gift s 15 0 0 15 30 Groceries and outside meals 15 0 0 0 15 Household 15 10 10 5 50 Laundry and dry-cleaning 3.

A University Student Budget Sheet :: Papers

A University Student Budget Sheet In this assignment I give be consulting a university students Budget schedule I will be offering the student advice on how to solve problems when in dept by offering an student loan, grants etc. I will be referring to the budget schedule to what areas the student can cut sort on to cover the separate costs mostly needed to be covered. UNIVERSITY STUDENT BUDGET SCHEDULE Mouthly Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total INCOME DESCRIPTION University Student (Grant) 142 142 142 142 570 Interest and dividends 0 0 0 0 0 Savings cl 0 0 0 150 TOTAL INCOME 292 142 142 142 720 EXPENSE DESCRIPTION Beauty shop and barber 5 0 5 0 10 Cable TV 15 0 15 0 30 Clothing 50 0 50 0 100 Credit card payments 25 0 25 0 50 Electricity 50 0 0 0 50 Entertainment and recreation 25 25 25 25 100 shove along company 50 0 0 0 50 Gifts 15 0 0 15 30 Groceries and outside meals 15 0 0 0 15 Household 15 10 10 5 50 Laundry and dry-cleaning 3.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Agriculture Sector Essay

All the tribes living in this hill district argon mainly depending on agriculture. The primitive system of Jhuming cultivation argon common among all the tribes. The practice of Jhuming not only destroy the micro flora and puppet but also affect ecological balance by destroying forest. So, an attempt has been made through this scheme to replace Jhum by permanent cultivation, terrace cultivation. however the Soil of this hilly region is very suitable summer as well as winter paddy. Horticulture is the main occupation in the district of N. C. Hills farmers.The top varies from 800meters to 1200 meters and average rainfall around 2300 mm and temperatures varies from 6 to 12 degree C in winter and 17 -33 degree C in summer. step to the fore of total geographical area of 4888 sq. km. around 1. 88 lakh hectares is suitable for cultivation and 80% of the cultivable land is suitable for horticultural crops. Potential for horticultural development is very bright along with canning and proc essing industry as this district produces huge quantity of quality pineapple, oranges and ginger through purely innate mode as use of agrochemicals is virtually non-existent.However, all the tribes of this hilly district are mainly dependant on destructive slash and burn method of cultivation or Jhuming and in the process forest cover has been largely denuded and ecosystem has been damaged. According to topography, rainfall and other geographical factors the district has been divided into collar parts, consisting of the development blocks, 1st Part Diyungbra ITDP and Diyung valley Block.This particular area comprises mainly of foothill and plains is suitable for field crops such as Sugarcane, Maize, Oil seeds, paddy, pulses and tropical horticultural crops akin coconut, areca nut, cashew nut, mango, mousambi, litchi etc. 2nd PartSangbar development block has both low altitude and high altitude areas and crops suitable are both tropical and sub tropical crops. Main cultivated cro ps are sugarcane, Ginger, Turmeric, Pineapple and oranges. 3rd Part comprises mainly of Jatinga valley block and Harangajao ITDP. Major crops grown are Paddy, Oranges, Ginger, Turmeric, Girenium etc.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Managing Quality in Partnership Working with Service Users

Central College London staff Study Guide G Managing Quality in fusion Working Graduate Diploma in Health and Social heraldic bearing Level 5 Module G Managing Quality in coalition Working The savant will 1 Understand differing perspectives of type and partnership works in relation to health and cordial care military expediencys Partnership empowerment independence autonomy power informed choice staff and organisation groups eg statutory, voluntary, private, independent, charitable service usersQuality analyze quality control role of agencies eg Care Quality Commission, NICE role of staff and users quality perspectives eg Servqual-Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry technical quality functional quality http//areas. kenan-flagler. unc. edu/Marketing/FacultyStaff/zeithaml/Selected%20Publications/SERVQUAL-%20A%20Multiple-Item%20Scale%20for%20Measuring%20Consumer%20Perceptions%20of%20Service%20Quality. pdf The learner merchant ship 1. 1 contend the philosophy of works in partner ship in health and social care 1. dissect the role of extraneous agencies in setting standards and the impact this has on service quality The learner will 2 Understand how to promote partnership philosophies and relationships in health and social care services Partnership work empowerment theories of collaborative working informed purpose making confidentiality schoolmaster roles and responsibilities models of working eg unified, coordinated, coalition and hybrid models management structures communication methods inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working and joint working agreements.Legislation current and relevant legislation eg safeguarding, equality, diversity, disability, data protection Organisational behaves and policies current and relevant practices agreed ways of working services planning procedures and employment practices for several(predicate) bodies ie statutory, voluntary, specialist units risk assessment procedures The learner can 2. 1 Compare models of partne rship working and discuss how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working across the sector 2. Evaluate current legislation and organisational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care The learner will 3Understand strategies for achieving quality in health and social care services Standards minimum standards best practice benchmarks performance indicators charters codes of practice legislation eg local, national, European Implementing quality planning, policies and procedures target setting audit monitoring review resources (financial, equipment, personnel, accommodation) communication knowledge adapting to changeBarriers external (inter-agency interactions, legislation, social policy) privileged (risks, resources, organisational structures, interactions between people) The learner can 3. 1 Explain the standards that exist in health and social care for measuring quality 3. 2 Evaluate different approaches to implementing quality systems 3. 3 Analyse potential barriers to delivery of quality health and social care services The learner will 4Evaluate the outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations in health and social care servicesOutcomes for service users positive eg improved services, empowerment, autonomy, informed decision making negative eg neglect, abuse, harm, anger, miscommunication, information overload, confusion, duplication of service provision, disempowerment Outcomes for professionals positive eg coordinated service provision, professional approach, clear roles and responsibilities, organised communication, preventing mistakes, efficient use of resources negative eg professional conflict, miscommunication, time wasting, mismanagement of fundingOutcomes for organisations positive eg coherent approach, shared principles, comprehensive service provision, common working practices, integrated services negative eg communication breakdown, disjointed service provision, increased costs, loss of shared purpose Barriers to partnership working lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities negative attitudes lack of communication not sharing information different priorities different attitudes and valuesStrategies to improve outcomes communication information sharing consultation negotiation models of empowerment collective multi-agency working dealing with conflict stakeholder analysis The learner can 4. 1 Analyse outcomes and barriers for partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations 4. 2 Describe strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services The learner will 5 Understand methodologies for evaluating health and social care service qualityMethods for assessing quality questionnaires concentrate groups structured ans semi-structured interviews panels, complaints procedures open forums Perspectives external eg inspection agencies internal eg service stand ards continuous improvement mechanisms eg consultation, panels, user managed services The learner can 5. 1 Analyse methods for evaluating health and social care service quality with regards to external and internal perspectives 5. 2 Discuss the impact that involving users of services in the evaluation process has on service quality - Internal Assessment Guidance Module D caper 1 Type of evidence Presentation Assessment criteria 1. 1, 1. 2, 4. 1, 4. 2 special information Constitutes 30% of module mark Activity look back how a local health or social care provider engages with relevant partners in the delivery of their service, and how this can impact on the quality of the service they provide. You may already be familiar with this health or social care provider and have some knowledge of their approach to partnership and quality standards OR you can choose a provider and analyse their practice based on the information contained * Within their marketing / promotional material On t heir website * Within their latest report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Please note in order to maintain confidentiality you can only refer to information that is available in spite of appearance the public domain Review their practice and answer the following questions in your presentation a) How do they work in partnership with immaterial agencies specialist services service users professional bodies voluntary and other organisations? (1. 1) b) How do these partnerships impact the quality of service provided? 1. 2) c) Analyse outcomes and barriers for partnership working with service users within this service (4. 1) d) Describe strategies that could improve outcomes for partnership working within this service (4. 2) You will need to prepare a presentation of approximately 10 legal proceeding duration to illustrate your answers to the questions above. In your presentation you need to include copies of slides and presentation notes and submit a copy to your assessor. You r final slide should list correctly all references used.Presentation date Week 3 Task 2 Type of evidence Report Assessment criteria All of 2, 3 and 5. Constitutes 50% of the module mark Additional information Word limit 1500 words Activity Using information available related to the health or social care provider that was the focus of your presentation for Task 1, submit a report answering the following questions 1) Identify positive aspects of partnership practice within the service, and discuss how partnership practice could be improved (2. ) 2) Evaluate how relevant legislation is implemented to affect organisational practice related to partnership working (2. 2) 3) Explain at least tailfin standards that exist for measuring quality (3. 1) 4) Identify and evaluate approaches to implementing quality systems (3. 2) 5) Analyse any barriers or potential barriers to delivering a good quality service (3. 3) 6) Analyse methods used for evaluating the quality of the service provided (5 . 1) 7) Discuss the impact of any involvement of services users in the evaluation of service quality (5. 2)In order to promote confidentiality, ensure that you only refer to material and information that is available within the public domain. All sources of evidence should be accurately referenced at the end of your report. Task 3- Essay (500-700 words) . This will constitute 20% of the module mark. Reflect and write an essay which will identify what you have learned from this module to include in the flesh(predicate) strengths and weaknesses during the learning process. Highlight any need that will require development for the future which would enhance your employability. Submission date 17/05/2013

Saturday, May 25, 2019

‘Lord of the flies’ – take it out of the classroom

The arrival of Y2K brought none of the social, environmental, or technological catastrophes predicted by the tabloids, but neither did the in the altogether millennium bring relief from the persistent impediments to free verbiage that characterized the twentieth century. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., reminds us that without most of human history, authority, fortified by the highest religious and philosophic texts, has righteously invoked censorship to stifle expression.He cites the Old Testament proscription Tell it non in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph. Schlesinger also offers the command of Plato The poet sh completely compose nothing contrary to the ideas of the lawful, or just, or beautiful, or good, which atomic number 18 allowed in the state nor shall he be permitted to show his compositions to any private several(prenominal) until he shall have sh possess them to t he appointed censors and the guardians of the law, and they ar satisfied with them.Introduction manufacturer of the Flies has been the center of controversy over the years having been resurrected from its status as a cult classic. However, in my opinion this novel represents a lot of possible socially wrong viewpoints and could be the cause for seeding violent, vulgar and anti-social thoughts in school children. It is because of this originator that I propose to restrict it from classrooms in the school system. The issue of banned take fors has been escalating since Guttenberg introduced the printing press in 1455.Once speech could be printed, it became a commodity, to be controlled and manipulated on the basis of religion, politics, or profit. After Pope Leo X condemned Martin Luthers Ninety Five Theses in 1517, both Catholics and Protestants began censoring materials that they found parlous or subversive. Religious censorship quickly led to political censorship when Luther def ied the Pope, bringing an immediate response from Emperor Charles V. On May 26, 1521, the emperor issued the legislation of Worms, containing a Law of Printing, which prohibited the printing, sale, possession, reading, or copying of Luthers works.However, in the United States and England, a social consensus on censorship was emerging that would be furthermost more repressive than overt state or church power. By the 1830s, this new ideology was proclaiming the necessity for propriety, prudence, and sexual restraint.During the remainder of the nineteenth century, private uprightness became public virtue, and Ameri potful and British editors, publishers, writers, and librarians felt obliged to examine every al-Quran for crude language or unduly explicit or pictorial portraitures of life. In her introduction to the 1984 New York Public Library exhibition on censorship, Ann Ilan Alter said that there may have been more censorship, self-imposed or otherwise, during the nineteenth cen tury in England and the United States than during all the preceding centuries of printed literature.The twentieth century in America has seen the emergence of pressure groups that maintain an uneasy sense of equilibrium in the struggle to interpret our First Am terminatement rights. The federal government tips that balance in whatever direction the winds blow, and since 1980, those winds have been chilling. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. dividing lines The struggle between expression and authority is unending. The instinct to suppress discomforting ideas is rooted deep in human spirit. It is rooted above all in profound human propensities to faith and fear. victor of the Flies In the Spotlight victor of the Flies focused attention on the concept of cult literature as a campus phenomenon. Time cartridge holder called it Lord of the Campus and identified it as one in a series of underground literary favorites that were challenging the required reading lists of the traditional humanities curriculum.Up until William Goldings surprise bestseller, it had been common knowledge that students were reading unauthorized books, especially J. D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye, in spite of (and frequently because of) their condemnation by the establishment. But the human beings of a serious sub-literature with an intelligent, dedicated readership flourishing in the midst of the conventional curriculum was something unprecedented on college campuses.During the twenties and thirties, the novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Thomas Wolfe had quickly been welcomed into the ranks of mainstream, respectable writers and labeled literature. While a few critics might choose to ignore these newcomers, there was nothing particularly subversive about what they wrote. Following the success of The Catcher in the Rye, however, no literary observer could be quite sure that the tastes of young readers could be trusted. After all, there were certain attitudes in Salinger that threatened the established order, and when Golding wrote Lord of the Flies, there was apprehension afoot that young readers might find Jack more interesting than Ralph-as indeed many of them did.AnalysisWhat nervous detractors overlooked was the open-and-shut lesson in this Golding classic that traits like naked aggression and gratuitous cruelty, selfishness, idolatry, superstition, and a taste for violence are not restricted to any particular nationality or race but are inherent in human disposition and inhabit the mentality of every human being. If there was anything subversive about this idea, it was that no longer could evil be considered peculiar to the Japanese or the German character. In fact, those who had recently fought against them had waged war with equal relish.When Golding saw the ecstasy on the faces of his workfellow sailors in the North Atlantic as they returned the fire of the enemy or launched an attack he felt the shock of recognition that the beast was with in us all, just waiting to break through that fragile veneer we call civilization. What he clearly intended as a reminder to his readers (after all, mans aggressive nature was not a new philosophical position by any means) became for cult readers another weapon to use against those who argued that atrocities such as those committed by the Germans and the Japanese could never be committed by the Allies who had struggled against them.We were good people who treated others with kindness and generosity and fought those who attacked us with the greatest reluctance and the achievement disdain. Even to suggest that we might enjoy the slaughter was to malign the honor and integrity of the Allied forces.Regardless of how his theme was interpreted, however, Goldings thesis had firm mythological precedents. in that location are many myths underlying Lord of the Flies, but the basic description of reality is of a world inhabited by men of an evil nature restrained only by voluntary adherence to a pragmatic pact of nonaggression. Such a pact passes for civilization, but because it is maintained only through fear, it is constantly threatened by that fear. The defensive fear that keeps one man from his neighbors throat can also incite him to cut that throat before his own gets cut.Lord of the Flies is a case study in alienation. Gradually, with horrifying inevitability, against a backdrop of paradise, the numbers of those who remember their humanity and still cling to the move of civilization are reduced until there is but one solitary figure left, and just before the ironic rescue, we see himbecome himas he flees his savage pursuers, the backdrop itself reflecting the degradation of those pursuers as the island of paradise burns and smokes and is reduced to char and ashes.StorylineFirst we see the whole group splitting and fetching sides, but the balance, at least for a while, remains on the side of Ralph. Then slowly but irresistibly, Ralphs supporters are drawn toward the charismatic Jack and his choir, until at long last there are only four holding out against them the twins, Piggy, and Ralph himself. Then the twins are captured and Piggy is killed. Ralph is alone, civilized man alone against the powers of darkness. But we are left with the awful suspicion that he remains civilized only because Jack must have an enemy and Ralph must be that enemy.Excluded forever from Jacks group, Ralph encourages amplify sympathy because he is so terribly alone. A victim always seems somehow more civilized than his tormentors. Nevertheless, much of the power of this book derives from the fact that our sympathies can only be with Ralph and that we, therefore, can feel the vulnerability, the awful weakness, of flimsy rationality at the mercy of a world gone mad. There is no endue to run, no place to hide, no exit. And rescue is only temporary and perhaps ultimately more horrible than quick and early death.Media treatment of issues about children relies heavy on such simplistic generalizations with children represented as objects of concern or as threats to adult order. The former relies on an idealized view of children as pure, clean-handed and vulnerable, strikeing protection or salvation from dangers they can neither identify nor comprehend. The latter, of children drawn innately (unless prevented) towards evil and anarchy, also has deep historical roots (Miller, 1983). It is a portrayal powerfully evoked by William Goldings (1959) novel, Lord of the Flies.The power of this fictional work is evident in the frequency with which it is given respect and credibility in press accounts of deviant children. It evokes an apocalyptic vision of anarchy as being inevitable should children lose the discipline and order of the adult presence. The portrayals of children as innocent victims or culpable delinquents are no more than alternative placements that the adult world creates into which children are located at different times, in different circumstances.The idea that children are products of nature or nurture leads to media concern as to whether child deviance is rooted in a biological predisposition or in an environmental determinism. Childrens meanings and motivations are persistently ignored, as is the position of adults, both familial and professional, as powerful definers of deviant behavior. Consequently, much of the physical and psychological harm inflicted on children by adults is disregarded, while transgressions by children of their set role are the subject of furious condemnation.Original sin is what Golding was writing about a religious concept, we mistrust more relevant to the mayhem that occurred at this C of E school in Liverpool than any glib sociological generalization. Children will run wild, viciously wild, unless they are properly supervised. They need parents to give them a stable and ordered home.They need teachers who know how to keep order as well as how to impart knowledge. They need, perfec tion help them, practical instruction in the difference between right and wrong. Here was a rhetoric established and developed which was to re-emerge throughout the beside decade, particularly following the murder of James Bulger. It invoked Goldings construct of anarchy inherent in children left to themselves.Thesis Fallacies and ImmoralitiesGolding seems in many ways to modify Lord of the Flies in order to make his point as clearly as possible. For example, all learnings in the book are entirely predictable, suggesting not only that the course taken by Goldings boys is inevitable, but that violence and brutality are inevitable in all interactions among human beings. Moreover, though Goldings carefully constructed book includes a fairly complex network of literary symbols and devices, all of them tend directly to support the central message. For example, the observable deus ex machina ending of the book is cold shoulder by the facts that the British are still at war and the a dults who arrive to restore order are themselves engaged in a mission of final stage the motivation of which is not fundamentally different from that of the savage hunting frenzies of Jack and his tribe of boys.This parallel presumably suggests that the supposedly civilized adults are really as savage as the primitivized boys, though it could also be taken as a suggestion that the training received by Jack and his choir in military school had already been sufficient to inculcate them with the kind of militaristic values that have led civilization to a cataclysmic war. Indeed, despite the apparent clarity of its message, Goldings fable is flawed on several accounts.For one thing, this island confederacy could never really represent a new start for humanity because it is all male and therefore incapable of perpetuating itself. For another, the boys on the island are not really innocent they have already been thoroughly socialized by the same society that seems to be destroying itsel f through warfare.Still, in some ways Lord of the Flies is an exemplary dystopian fiction. In it Golding creates a fictional society distant from the real world, then utilizes the defamiliarizing perspective of that distance to comment upon the shortcomings of our own social reality. However, whereas most dystopian fictions are designed to function as cautionary tales that warn against the development of specific social and political problems, Golding suggests that all human societies are inevitably doomed by the darkness at the heart of humanity itself.Goldings book frankincense lacks the drive toward positive social and political change that informs the best dystopian fictions. If there is a cautionary element in the book, it would seem to involve a hope that were humans aware of their natural tendencies toward violence they might stand a better chance of keeping those tendencies in check. In this respect, it is important to note that Lord of the Flies really makes two major point s. First, and more obvious, is the suggestion that human nature lies at the root of most of the ills that plague society. But the book also suggests that society itself is based on an attempt to deny this fact, thus making matters even worse.Although many critics have complained about the gimmick at the end of the novel the boys are saved the officer doesnt understand the violence which has occurred it is justified because it is another appearance. The officer allows his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser in the distance, but we doubt that he can see it or the water with full knowledge. Lord of the Flies is therefore a novel of faulty vision. stinkpot the boys ever see the elements? Are the elements really there? Is a marriage between elements and consciousness possible?The novel is not about Evil, Innocence, or free Will it goes beyond (or under) these abstractions by questioning the very ability to formulate them. Look at any crucial scene. There is an abundance of descriptive flesh out the elements are exaggerated because they are all that the boys possess but these details are blurred in one way or another. The result is, paradoxically, a confusing clarity. (Even the solid words the boys use are illusive Piggy says ass-mar for asthma Sam and Eric call themselves one name, Sam n Eric.) Here is the basic vision of the dead man in the treeIn front of them, only three or four yards away, was a persuade-like hump where no rock should be. Ralph could hear a tiny chattering noise coming from somewhereperhaps from his own mouth. He bound himself together with his will, fused his fear and abhor into a hatred, and stood up. He took two leaden steps forward. Behind them the sliver of moon had drawn clear of the horizon. Before them, something like a great aper was sitting asleep with its head between its knees. Then the wind roared in the forest, there was confusion in the darkness and the creature lifted its head, holding towards them the interrupt of a fa ce.ConclusionGolding gives us the short distance, the hulking object. Ralph (and the others) should be able to see. But he cannot. Although he binds himself becoming more stable he does not know where the noise comes from or what the no-rock is. His senses cannot rule the elements. He, like the lifted face, is a ruin. V. S. Pritchett claims that Lord of the Flies indicates Goldings desire to catch the sensation of things coming into us.On the contrary, it indicates his need to tell us that out there and in here never marry not even on an enchanted island. We should not forget that the Lord of the Flies may be only a skull an object given miraculous life because of faulty vision. It is precisely because of this misguided literary piece and its chance to lead school children astray with its vague philosophies.Works CitedCarey John, ed. William Golding the Man and His Books. New York Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1987.Devkota Padma Prasad. The Darkness Motif in the Primitive Novels of William Golding. DAI 51 ( 1990) 860A. Monteith Charles. Strangers from Within into Lord of the Flies. ( London) Times literary Supplement ( September 19, 1986) 1030. Tanzman Leo. The Murder of Simon in Goldings Lord of the Flies. Notes on Contemporary Literature ( Nov. 1987) 2-3. Watson George. The Coronation of Realism. The Georgia Review (Spring 1987) 5-16. Golding William. Lord of the Flies. New York Coward-McCann, 1962.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Research question vs. Hypothesis Essay

Does your study take an data-based approach to answer headways? Are you qualification a prediction about the phenomenon being studied? If your answer to these questions is yes, then you will consume a supposition, but if it is no then you will need a question question.This is because a hypothesis is a statement that is tested by experiment(s) to confirm or deny the phenomenonTurning now to a research question, if you are incorporating a research question rather than a hypothesis, then remember that some of the important features of a good question are that the question or problem should beabout one issueclear and conciseaddresses an important, controversial and/or an unresolved issue feasible to undertake at bottom a specified timeframeadequately resourced.Hypothesis (plural = hypotheses)A hypothesis is not a question, but rather it is a statement about the relationship mingled with two or more variables.So, for example, the first question above could become a hypothesis by m aking this a statement rather than a question, namelyThe perceived needs of the patient and users of South Bedfordshires palliative like services are being met.To be complete a hypothesis must include three componentsThe variablesThe populationThe relationship between the variablesAs you can see, the hypothesis translates the research question into a prediction of expected outcomes.A hypothesis is the tool of quantitative studies, and is only found in suchstudies. In fact, a hypothesis is usually only found in experimental quantitative research studies. You will be able to find out more about hypothesese when we look at them in more detail by and by in the session.Research question.A research question is the question that the research project sets out to answer. In actual fact, a research study whitethorn set out to answer several questions. The methodology apply for that study, and the tools used to conduct the research, all depend upon the research questions being asked.For exa mple, in the example of a qualitative research study, the following two research questions that underpin the study, and also needed to be answered by the study, are shown in the box below.There are two research questions that will need to be answered by this phase of the research. These are Are the perceived needs of the patients and users of South Bedfordshires palliative care services bei ng met? If not, what needs to be done if these needs are to be met in the future? The first question can be answered by a quantitative study, whereas the second one may require a qualitative study to answer it.Research questions can therefore be used in quantitative and qualitative research studies.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pursuasive Speech Outline

To persuade. Specific purpose At the end of my speech my audience will Identify 2 consequences of suping and wino driving, and also 2 practiced ways you can avoid those consequences. Central Idea Drunk driving Is against the law and It causes harm to many people, further with the right precautions, many lives can be saved. Introduction Imagine receiving a waul from a police officer telling you that theres been a terrible accident due to a drunk driver, and they fill you to come in and identify a body.We all know that drunk driving is a serious thing that has killed many, but yet some quiet whose to get behind the wheel and endanger not only themselves, but the others that are on the road. Just think, how would you feel if you were to receive that horrific call? many of people get down unfortunately received this phone call and lost a loved one due to some stupid findings. I myself become been through this experience. I lost my uncle to a drunk driver. He was riding his rep ulsecycle one night, when a lady who had been drinking earlier that night, crashed Into him causing him to disappear off of his motorcycle and Into a wall.The pain that my family went through was unbearable, ND unfortunately many other families have gone through the experience. Whether youre the person drinking and driving, or youre a victim of another persons inconsiderable actions, its a problem that is much too common. Im here today to talk to you about what drinking does to you and your health, the dangers of getting on the road while drinking, and some ways you can ensure the safety of yourself and others (if you do decide to drink).There are multiple ways to avoid going from a fun night out, to a deadly night that youll never forget. Body l. What does drinking do to your mental and physical health? A. According to the National launch on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol affects many part of your body. 1 . Along with the blackouts and memory impairment, alcohol affects t he way the brain works, which changes mood and behavior. A. This alteration makes decision making harder, which makes driving harder. 2.Drinking In excess, causes multiple problems to your heat, such as cardiopulmonary, Irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, or even result in a stroke. 3. argillaceous drinking also causes problems to your liver, such as swelling or your liver. 4. Drinking increases your chances of developing liver, mouth, throat, and other types of cancer. 5. Alcohol dam historic periods and weakens one of the most important parts of your body, your immune system. A. Consuming a lot of alcohol in one occasion slows down your immunes system, even up to 24 hours after getting drunk (Alcohols Effects on the Body. ). B. Alcohol is also high in calories, which causes weight gain. C. Many think that alcohol helps relieve stress and helps in difficult situations, but it actually increases your chances of developing mental problems. 1 . Overuse of alcohol often causes d epression, anxiety or even bipolar disorder (Salsas). Transition Now of go If Its causing changing your Judgment, driving Is an absolute no II. Every time you get behind the wheel while drinking, you risk your life, and those around you. A. Alcohol- impaired motor vehicle crashes cost more than an estimated $37 billion impaired driving crashes one every 51 minutes (Impaired Driving). C. Among drivers with BACK levels of 0. 08 % or higher involved in fatal crashes in 2010, more than one out of every 3 were between 21 and 24 years of age (Impaired Driving Get the Facts). Transition Now the last thing Im going to talk about, which in my opinion is the most important, is how to avoid anything dangerous mishap to you or anyone else. Ill.It would be unreasonable to ask people to not drink at all, but Just take precautions if you do plan of having a drink or two. A. If youre going out with a group of friends, assign the designated driver position to a friend that is okay if he/ she does nt drink that night. B. If youre by yourself and youve been drinking, call a trusted person to come pick you up. C. Never get in a car with someone who has been drinking. 1. Offer to drive, if you havent had anything to drink. D. Be very mensural and observant while driving, even if you havent been driving. ConclusionNow that Eve talked about the harm that drinking does to your health, the dangers of driving while drinking, and ways to ensure your safety I hope this back up you to be careful and be smart enough to never get behind the wheel while driving, or even get inside of a car with someone who is drinking and driving. Some people dont realize how their actions can affect those around us, and that is why we still have, to this day, people dying from an accident that could have been avoided. There are plenty of people that care about each and every one of you, so please dont risk your entire life, for a jibe of shots and a good night.

Mind Is Not a Vessel to Be Filled, but a Fire to Be Kindled Essay

Education may be an ordinary word to most people, but very few actu anyy visualize the deep meaning beneath it. In this dynamic world, we need to be equipped with the necessary skills and hard work to survive. Understanding the education system is constituent(a) to allow students to understand the purpose of studying, the purpose of going to school everyday. Is education in capital of Singapore really holistic? Are there flaws? What is education? By definition, it would be something along the line of transferring knowledge.I beg to differ. In my opinion, education consists of more than right knowledge. From Kindergarden to University, students are effectuate through the daily tour of waking up early in the morning, going to a place where teachers teach the same old stuff. By that, I am referring to knowledge. cognition is power, you might say. Indeed, being knowledgeable helps you stand out among the rest during the tests and examinations. But is that all about education ? Acin g the tests and arouseting a degree? Im afraid no.Years after years, Singapore universities and institutions are well-known on the global front for being able to produce students with top grades. These results just keep getting better and better. Foreigners come to Singapore for education. Most people might therefore think education in Singapore is perfect. I alike acknowledge that these are true, but precisely to a certain extent. On the other spectrum ( which is usually not shown), there are students who are not execute as well as their peers, students who are doing well but facing a lot of unnecessary stress.This is prevalent as well. The obsessive reliance of information to produce grades, online forums to discuss ways to headstart my child in education. I find no meaning in these. This is passive learning. Similarly, there are olympian cases which bring out the ugly truth about education in Singapore. Students faking degrees to earn scholarships, jobs , graduates saying v ulgarities during graduation ceremony to rejoice over the achievements, even local anesthetic scholar prosecuted overseas for doing unethical things such as watching child pornography.If education in Singapore is so perfect, why would such disgraceful incidents top? Let us look at some possible reasons. Memorizing dictionaries, memorizing textbooks, doing thousands of assessment books, attending endless tuitions and supplementary classes These are some things most pupils in Singapore are going through. They have my sympathy. Everything I have described until now is about passive learning, which revolves around results and lacking in true meaning of education. zero(prenominal), allow us zoom into another aspect.Imagine this a child who does his work consistently, revises on daily basis, reads newspapers everyday. Everything without being told. Seems like a utopian child? No. It is possible. The only thing he has compared to other students is the passion. The burning passion insi de him to learn, to absorb knowledge. This drive pushes him to do everything on his own. in that location is no tuition, no supplementary classes, reasonable number of assessment books. Yet, this child is scoring As for his subjects.In Singapore schools, Ministry of Education is encouraging a whole new approaching towards holistic education. Co-curricular activities, Community Involvement Program, Civics & Morals Education these are programmes put in place after much effortful planning of the education ministries. There are even more recent policies such as not revealing top students for national examinations such as Primary School deviation Examinations. I respect them for that. However, there are rooms for improvement. CCA, short for co-curricular activities, is a word that is often hung in the pupils mouth.Whether they say it out of pride in a good way or bad way, I do not know. This brings me to the point of CCA mismatch. Students who feel they are not good enough for a CCA o nly after a few years in that CCA, students who feel indignant as they feel they could have gotten into better CCA. What are the consequences of this? Students not attending CCAs regularly, students sound off about how sien ( boring and uninteresting) their CCA is. This leads to stereotyping about CCAs and split between different CCAs, especially Sports vs Non-Sports.While you might say it is good that CCAs are bonded together as a team, the purpose of bonding is wrong. They are making fun of other people and things they do. In the long run, this leave behind not work. Another thing is when pupils do not attend CCAs, the school has no choice but to use deterrence methods such as demerit points. To tackle this whole situation, there is Direct- School- Admission put in place to reduce scenarios like this however the success is limited. After talking about limitations of the current education system put in place, I have some suggestions.What I will say is also something simple pas sion. Again, a simple word yet deep meaning behind it. If a student is an active learner, problems such as late/no submission of work, lack of management during lessons, loss of notes, game/social networking addiction etc will all be eliminated at once. Students will not complain Life is Tough or There is too much work yet too small-scale time etc. Teachers no longer have to chase after the students for work, give students boring supplementary classes.Teachers no longer have to scold students, which deviates their focus on teaching that will result in drop in productivity. This will lead to more supplementary/remedial classes which make students get shopworn of learning. Ultimately, they lose passion in learning. This evil cycle of mad chase, forced homework, drilled practice will keep on going until the students change their attitude. If the students view as charge of their own learning, they will automatically focus during lessons and give constructive feedback that can enga ge the whole class in a positive manner.This will accelerate learning so much that the teachers will be more willing to teach and even plan fun activities for pupils to play and learn at the same time. At the same time, the students will strive to do their best in everything including daily worksheet, assignments. Ultimately, success ( which is good grades people chase after) will sustain them. Therefore, I strongly feel that passion is much more important than knowledge. To put this passion in them, I think teachers, parents and students themselves all play a crucial role to kindle the fire within them.They can help create encouraging environment to allow pupils to share their opinions on certain topics and allow them think out of the box. They can reduce things such elitism stereotyping to encourage the pupils to exchange feedback healthily and letting them learn from one another. Occasionally, having useful motivation courses in schools by professionals also might help. Once th is fire is lit, the action will follow. Students will start finding joy in learning and unknowingly, they will get good grades without even getting stressed or tired.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Case Study Evaluation and Analysis using Leadership Theories and Concepts

portalLeadership is one of the close important factors that determine the overall performance of an organisation (Lussier & Achua, 2012). As argued by Hogg,Van Knippenberg and Rast (2012), how draws in organisations delegated duties, make decisions and interact with other members either positively or negatively affects employee output and thus influences the growth of the overall organisational objective. This paper presents an analysis of lead at EEF, a membership organisation that is a counterpoint to the Trade Union movement and was founded with the aim of supporting employers in the United Kingdom. Among the key concepts addressed in this analysis be the key lead theories can be applicable to this shift and challenges encountered in the leadership process.The role of Leadership at EEFAs an organisation that represents the interests of many a(prenominal) employers around the United Kingdom, the leadership at EEF is obligated to ensure that it establishes the needs of i ts members and effectively addresses them. The role contend by EEFs leadership is exhibited by the fact that it addresses its members needs through providing them with advice, guidance and support that get out enable them to efficiently and effectively manage their businesses. EEFs leadership is similarly attached towards ensuring that the confederacy is plastic enough to maintain its relevance in its service delivery by implementing the required changes. Some of the changes include the veeration of the companys legal status from a federation to a limited company by guarantee in 2009 to ensure that that its status as a non-profit was protected. The other change that was use by the companys leadership in the same year was converting it into a single merged national entity from its original regionalised structure. This integration resulted into the appointment of another CEO who was judge to lead the company downstairs its new banner of One EEF. All these changes were made by the company with the aim of addressing the ?7 one thousand thousand loss experience in 2009, which was the first it had ever experienced since it was founded. A regional team leader of the companys sales team, Tom Jones, was also appointed to oversee the now consolidated team. These strategies that were use by the companys top leadership to ensure that the company remains on dog highlights one of the key roles of leadership in an organisation, which is decision make. Whereas the ?7 million loss that was suffered in 2009 cleverness have highlighted flaws in the leadership of EEF that year, the immediate changes that were made show the commitment of the companys leadership towards its good performance.Analysis of Tom Jones Leadership using Leadership TheoriesThe Trait Theory of LeadershipFrom the case, Jones was selected out of the other applicants who were originally in charge of the regional sales functions. Out of these was an applicant who had expected to be selected as th e team leader because of his spacious-term experience with the company. The trait theory of leadership can be utilise in explaining this selection. According to the trait leadership theory, good leaders possess a variety of characteristics and person-to-person traits that enable them execute their leadership responsibilities well. These include integrity, assertiveness, empathy, honesty, openness, likeability and decision do skills (Colbert et al., 2012). The applicant mentioned in the case who had served for long as the leader of a regional sales team could have possessed some of these traits, only when not as many as Jones exhibited. Some of the traits exhibited by Jones as highlighted in the case include openness, honesty and good decision making skills.The Behavioural TheoryThis theory focuses the behaviour of leaders as they channelize their followers towards attaining the overall organisational objective, and classifies leaders as democratic, autocratic or individualit y (DeRue et al., 2011). Democratic leaders are characterised by the fact that they involve other team members in the decision making process. The suggestions that receive the most support from team members are adopted as final decisions. Whilst this forward motion is lauded for ensuring effective teamwork, it becomes challenging to get through a final decision when the suggestions provided are many and differ widely (Lussier & Achua, 2012). Autocratic leadership involves making of decisions without any prior consultation or involvement of team members. This approach has been regarded as creation futile for teamwork dynamics and team agreement. It is however considered ideal in situations where decisions need to be urgently made (Bhatti et al., 2012). The Laissez-faire approach to leadership is carried out by allowing other team members to make most of the decisions with minimal up chastise from the leader. This approach is mostly applicable when team members are highly skilled and capable of independently making good decisions. However, leaders who prefer this approach might at times be mistaken for universe lazy (Lussier & Achua, 2012). Jones leadership approach was characterised by openness, which contributed towards his adoption of a collaborative team building approach that involved sharing of information and ideas, which matches with the democratic approach. Jones also valued the experiences and ideas of other team members. By applying this leadership approach, the team was able to identify the major issues, which were later prioritised according to their urgency. Transactional vs. Transformational LeadershipLeadership can also be classified ad as either transactional or versional. Transactional leadership is based on the assumption that individuals are motivated by punishment and reward. It also assumes that the best way in which social systems can work is through the administration of a clear chain of command (Carter et al., 2013). According to Bono, Hooper and Yoon (2012), transactional leaders work by clearly backcloth structures or rules by which their followers are required to abide, as well as rewards to be expected when they are adhered to. Whilst they are not usually mentioned, formal discipline systems and punishments are also well silent by their followers (Carter et al., 2013). This is as opposed to transformational leadership where leaders develop constructive visions for the organisation, sell them to their followers, regulate the way forward on how to implement the vision and lead the implementation of the vision (Wright et al., 2012). The diagram below depicts the differences between Transactional and transformational leadership. sidestep 1 Transactional vs. Transformational leadership (Adopted from Lussier and Achua (2012)Jones involvement of the team at EEF, formulation of necessary changes to transform the company and offering both personal and professional support to his team to enable them achieve the se changes matches with the transformation approach to leadership. Among the changes that were identified as necessary for EEF were the establishment of new geographical sales areas and their respective sales representatives, implementing the necessary forecasting and reporting processes, and ensuring that the existing CRM systems are upgraded so as to attain consistency in the measurement key performance indicators. Jones embarked on achieving these changes by leading the change in the organisational culture by encouraging team members to be more corporate minded and committed to problem solving. He also embarked on building corporation and trust within the team he was leading. These characteristics of Jones leadership still swan his transformational leadership approach.Leadership challenges from the CaseThere are several challenges that can be identified from the provided case on EEF. One of these was the loss that was incurred in the 2009 financial year, which triggered the tra nsformation of EEFs overall structure. The changes that were implemented further triggered challenges that are typical to any change process in organisations. The first was ensuring that he addressed the feelings of the applicants who befogged on their applications as team leaders and creating a formidable team. Given that they all held same regional position before, it can be concluded that their capabilities were almost the same. Therefore, the most effective approach that could be employ by Jones in addressing this was involving them in decision making through a highly democratic leadership elbow room (DeRue et al., 2011). By knowing that their opinions are valued by their leader, they will be motivated and committed towards attaining the desired organisational objective (Lussier & Achua, 2012).The other challenge was in regards to the transformation of the organisations structure from being regionally based to a unit national structure. In order to attain this overall change, in that location are several change management models that could be used. One of these is the 8 step model of organisational change, which was proposed by Kotter (1996). It divides the whole change process into eight tiers that are more manageable and all contribute towards the attainment of the desired outcome of change. These stages are explained in table 2 below. Whereas this approach to organisational change has been supported by a wide number of researchers, it has also received criticism. For instance, OKeefe (2013) pointed out that the model assumes that change is a linear process and does not account for challenges or changes that might be encountered in the change process.Table 2 Kotters 8-stage model of organisational change (Kotter, 1996)ConclusionIn conclusion, this paper has presented an in-depth analysis of leadership at EEF in regard to the changes implemented with the aim of recovering from its poor performance that was registered in 2009. In the analysis, leaders hip concepts and theories have been referred to and their applicability to the case has been explained. Among these are the trait and behavioural theories of leadership, transformational and transactional leadership models and Kotters 8 stage model of leadership. Even with the few mentioned challenges that were highlighted in the case, it has been shown that Tom Jones leadership approach was ideal for the EEF as it set out to implement the necessary changes in its functional and organisational structures.ReferencesBhatti, N. et al. (2012) The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction. International Business Research, 5(2), pp.192-207.Bono, J.E., Hooper, A.C. & Yoon, D.J. (2012) Impact of rater personality on transformational and transactional leadership ratings. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(1), pp.132-45.Carter, M.Z., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S. & Mossholder, K.W. (2013) Transformational leadership, kindred quality, and employee performance during co ntinuous incremental organisational change. Journal of Organisational Behavior, 34(7), pp.942-58.Colbert, A.E., Judge, T.A., Choi, D. & Wang, G. (2012) Assessing the trait theory of leadership using self and observer ratings of personality The mediating role of contributions to group success. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(4), pp.670-85.DeRue, D.S., Nahrgang, J.D., Wellman, N.E.D. & Humphrey, S.E. (2011) Trait and behavioral theories of leadership An integration and meta?analytic streak of their relative validity. Personnel Psychology, 64(1), pp.7-52.Hogg, M.A., Van Knippenberg, D. & Rast, D.E. (2012) Intergroup leadership in organisations Leading across group and organisational boundaries. Academy of steering Review, 37(2), pp.232-55.Kotter, J.P. (1996) Leading change. Cambridge, MA Harvard Business School Press.Lussier, R. & Achua, C. (2012) Leadership Theory, application, & skill development. Mason Cengage Learning.OKeefe, K. (2013) Where Kotters 8 Steps Gets it Wrong. Online Av ailable at http//www.executiveboard.com/communications-blog/where-kotters-8-steps-gets-it-wrongAccessed 18 December 2014.Wright, B.E., Moynihan, D.P. & Pandey, S.K. (2012) Pulling the Levers Transformational Leadership, Public Service, Motivation, and Mission Valence. Public brass instrument Review, 72(2), p.206215.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Improve Maternal Health Essay

The World Health physical composition defines matriarchal wellness as the health condition of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period that needs to be safeguarded to prevent death (http//www. who. int/topics/maternal_health/en/). Improving maternal health is one of the concerns of the Millennium Development Goals with centralize on reducing maternal mortality and achieving universal access to reproductive health c atomic number 18 by the year 2015. In 2008, sixty-eight (68) developing countries account for the majority of the maternal and child mortality.In the very(prenominal) year, the World Health Organization reported that some of the countries where maternal health is of prime importance and is minded(p) high importance include Norway, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and other developed countries. On the other hand, many developing countries are left behind in terms of giving importance or even appreciation to maternal health such as Afghanista n, Yemen, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Congo and other Southeast Asian countries. Poor maternal health adversely affects women.The World Health Organization reported that almost 500,000 women die of childbirth and pregnancy both year due to complications brought about by childbearing. Most of these women die due to unavailability of maternal health services and emergency assistance. It is the woman and her child that is always at risk when maternal health is not of top priority of a government. A woman and her child will always be heart-to-heart to infection and other forms of diseases when they are not given proper knowledge and skills in maternal health.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Audience in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ Essay

Williams creates outstanding tension in A tramway Named Desire done the interactions between the important characters in the play, such(prenominal) as the conflict between Blanche and Stanley, and their differentiate styles of communication. The first instance of this occurs in the second scene. Blanche is bathing, whilst Stanley questions Stella about the personnel casualty of Belle Reve, referring to the so-called Napoleonic code. As an audience, we sense the tension being created when he says And I go int like to be swindled. We see Stanleys aggressive nature and his increasing anger towards Blanche through his actions and words, Open your eyes to this stuffWhen Stella cries, Dont be such an idiot, Stanley, he becomes even more than enraged, he hurls the furs to the daybed and he kicks the trunk. Tension is created here and, as an audience, we sense the drama that is about to come. The atmosphere is tense, and as Blanche comes out of the bum antithetically airily, the cont rast between Stanley and Blanche becomes apparent and the unease is developed further.Although Williams successfully achieves dramatic tension in the play, he does not use Acts, but divides the play into eleven scenes, perhaps because he was unable to agree dramatic tension for the length of a conventional Act. However, as with all of the scenes in the play, this scene leads to a natural, dramatic flood. Blanche talks casually with Stanley, whos increasing fury is illustrated in the stage direction, with a smoulder look. Finally, the tension is released by Stanley, booming Now lets cut the re-bop This dramatic cry and instantaneous foot race of tension shocks the audience, but Blanche appears unmoved, speaking lightly, My but you have an impressive judicial air and acting playfully towards Stanley. Her contrasting manner further infuriates him, again resulting in a build up of tension. However, as Stanley appreciates the tragic sacking of Belle Reve,becoming somewhat sheepish, he allows the conversation and the audiences attention to be diverted away from himself, and sooner to Stellas pregnancy, diffusing the tension.Williams persistent use of detailed stage directions in A Streetcar Named Desire implies that the visual settings of the play are very important. Williams uses this attention to detail to create an atmosphere thatheightens the furbish up of the drama, and emphasises the tension created within each scene. This is demonstrated in the third scene, where a Van Gogh motion-picture show is evoked in the stage directions, which relates to Williams description of the men as as course and direct and decently as the primary colours, enhancing the atmosphere of rife masculinity that contrasts with Blanches feminine presence and pale pastels gum olibanum accentuating the subsequent dramatic tension that is created.The same applies to the settings surrounding Blanche for example, in Scene Nine the blind Mexican woman is a portent of death, the memor y of which terrorizes Blanche, and in Scene Ten imagined lurid reflections and grotesque and menacing shadows that Blanche sees reflect her madness and fear, enhancing the tension of the scene.Coupled with Williams use of visual effects, sound effects are used to create dramatic tension. The Varsouviana, polka music, plays on a regular basis throughout the play. It is heard only by Blanche and is used to illustrate Blanches feelings of guilt towards Allans suicide, and plays whenever she is in particular disturbed, creating tension. Her response is to drink heavily, in an begin to overcome the sound. The music continues to grow louder and so the tension is amplified. notwithstanding when she is drunk enough, does the music subside with the final shot, and a dramatic climax is reached. For all the drama created by the music, Blanche seems to have accepted this part of her torture, as demonstrated when she states in a matter-of-fact manner in that location now, the shot It always stops after that as though the reliability of the musics method is a comfort to her.In Scenes Four, Six and Ten, Williams introduces a roaring locomotive at dramatic moments Blanches criticism of Stanley, her account of Allans death and before Stanley rapes her. The result of which is developing tension, to be released in the climax of the scene. The locomotive also has connotations of fate, in that, like the streetcar, it can only travel on one line, and in one direction, to one destination. Also, the locomotives headlight illustrates Blanches fear of exposure she crouches and shuts her ears whenever it approaches, in an attempt to shield herself from the harsh reality, also creating tension.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

No More Sunshine on Leith Essay

It was a cold, rhymey night in Edinburgh, and yet people still insisted on going to the pub for an level drink. Two of these people were microphvirtuoso and Danny Roxborough who were headed to their favourite pub, the Persevere. The lampposts brightly lit their path. The moon was ever-present tonight, as at that place was non a cloud in the sky, meaning that there would probably be a frost tomorrow. When they reached the pub and mike turned in, closely followed by Danny, the first thing they did was scan the room for every familiar faces to talk to.As he looked slightly Mike couldnt see anyone he knew so he sent Danny to get them a couple of beers and headed off to their usual table only to arise someone else sitting there. He stood there, gazing at the pair, who looked as camp as camp can get. both were men wearing bright discolour and yellow subjects, homogeneous something out of the 1950s. As they were talking and Mike watched them, he noticed a growing similarity betwe en their behaviour and the kind that gets people overcome up in the streets for existence homosexual.Just as he was about to go and explain his situation, being left without a seat in a busy pub with someone else in his seat, when Danny came up to him railway carrying their drinks. Couldnae find us a seat then, eh? Ah well. Ah might no stay long anyway. By the way, did y- he was cut off as Mike raised his hand to Dannys face. These people have nicked our lay Arent you goin to dae sumthin about it? Yeh ken me Mike, verbalise Danny, cowering away and shooting nervous glances at the gentlemen occupying their table, Ah dinnae like fightin. Yer an eejit Danny said Mike as he approached the two camps. Scuse me fellas, but I think yer in our seats. Would ye mind movin fir us? Cheers. They looked at each other for a second before the color-suited one turned back. The tension in the air could be easily felt, and the surrounding tables were starting to turn around and watch. Ooh I do believe that we had these seats first, my friend Im afraid that I didnt see your name on them, therefore we have a right to sit here. SHUT UP shouted Mike so loud that the rest pf the pub turned around to watch and until now made Danny, who was used to these outbursts, nearly jump out of his skin. international, if you please, and then he bowed pointing the way to the fatality exit. I object to this treatment Im going to sort you out once and for all, and the purple suited one led the way outside, followed by the yellow suit and then Mike and Danny. Outside was freezing cold by now and a bitter wind had picked up, blowing leaves around in circles on a stretch of concrete that was marked off as a loading bay/car park.Danny and the yellow suit stood back to watch the sparks fly, frightened to get involved, whilst Mike and the purple suit stood, not moving a muscle, staring each other down. Then, suddenly, the purple suit caught Mike by confusion by rugby-tackling him to the concr ete and kicking him on the ground. However, it would take a lot more than that to keep Mike Roxborough down. As he got back to his feet and lunged for purple suit, he staggered and fell onto a crateful, smashing it. It looked like purple suit had actually taken him out of the running.As Mike stood up once again, purple suit started running rings around him and laughing his head off hysterically. Mike started vacillation hooks at him then but couldnt hit him. His reactions were just too slow. After a lot of swinging and laughing, Mike seemed to be really annoyed and Danny could see that. Mike was tired of being humiliated like this and wanted it to stop. He then picked up a sharp piece of wood from the smashed crate when purple suit was chatting to yellow suit and they started to leave.He ran straight for them and this time his aim was true. The sharp panel impaled the purple suit from behind and he screamed out before sinking to the ground with an expression of hesitation on his face. As all three remaining people stared in disbelief at the pictorial matter that was before them, Mike turned around and looked up at Danny with a guilty yet pleading look on his face. Danny knew he couldnt do anything, and so stepped backwards into the shadows and headed home, leaving Mike on his own. He didnt want anything to do with a murder.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Last Night (from Charlotte Gray)

Comp atomic number 18 and contrast the ways in which adults and children are presented in the extract. The adults and children are presented differently in the extract through their actions, reactions and feelings. This extract deals with the helplessness of being sent to a density camp, conveying the effects of the departure on them, the adults powerlessness to the event, and the childrens resistance. In the extract, the adults are presented as being aware of what was deprivation on, and of their current situation. They know where theyre deviation, and what its want in concentration camps.They are completely aware of their fate, yet they did not resist it, or exertion to prevent it from happening. Although they did not do anything significant to try and change their horrific fate in the concentration camps, in their minds, they were trying to stop it from occurring, by refusing to drink coffee. That is significant because the coffee means a fortune more than just coffee for drinking. It meant breakfast, and accordingly the departure. By refusing to drink coffee, it meant they didnt have breakfast yet, and therefore their departure is belated.The adults are also portrayed as being restless and powerless, it could be because theyre scared, or maybe because they know they cant do anything, and have accepted their fate. This makes me as a referee feel sympathy for the adults as they have no quality and are unable to control their keep and fate. The writer used strong adjectives to describe the state the adults in, it helps the reader sympathise with the adults and understand their feelings, provoking a sense of grief. The writer used adjectives such as sobbing passion to describe the state in which some of the adults wrote their letters back home in.It makes the reader visualise that, and almost hear it. This conveys sorrow, as they are sobbing passionately, meaning its deep and from the bottom of their hearts. As a reader, I find that actually touc hing, and it makes me feel some of their sorrow, like it was my own. The writer also described the adults actions and feelings in such a way it will leave an impact on the reader, and making it unforgettable. The way in which they were remembered, depended upon their choice of words. I find that quite ironic, as the writers words and how he described this is memorable.This provokes a sense of sympathy from the reader, as this portrays restlessness, and that the adults have given in and accepted their fate, without fighting back. It also provokes a sense of sadness, as the adults do not want to be forgotten by their families, just as the writer does not want them to be forgotten by us. It sounds final. On the other hand, the children are carnal and do not fully understand the situation. They are only aware of the fact that they are going to a concentration camp, but do not understand the horrors of that. That makes the reader feel pity for the children. strange the adults, they are resistant to this, and try to stop it. In the filthy straw they dug their heels and screamed. The reactions of the children portray the chasteness of their minds, and how to them this is a normal journey not a fateful one. This is also shows by their ability to render asleep where they lay, to dream of other places. That is also quite ironic, as the place they are going to, is a nightmare rather than a dream. The children are also left with nothing, but each other, Jacobs limbs were intertwined with his for warmth. This conveys how wee they have, and how they count on each other, despite their young age. They dont even have high temperature to keep warm, so they rely on each other for that. This makes me feel pity for these children as a reader. The children are also thankful for what little they have, One of the older boys embraced her in his gratitude, but the bucket was shortly empty. This conveys misfortune, and makes the reader feel pity for them. Some of the children were too small to manage the step up and had to be helped on by gendarmes, this shows how young they are they are unable to get on the platform of the bus.This portrays the unjust and cruelty of the situation, little children who are unable to get on the platform of the bus are being sent to concentration camps, to face the most horrific times of their lives at such an age. They will be forever psychologically scarred. The adults and children are presented in completely different ways, yet we sympathise for both. As they are both about to face the same thing, except the children dont know what theyre going to face. As a reader I sympathise for the children more, as they are innocent and young, and do not deserve to go through such a thing at a young age.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Princess Hijabs Graffiti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Princess Hijabs Graffiti - Essay ExampleAs pointed out in the close to general definitions, graffiti is considered as drawings or writings scratched, sprayed, scribble, painted on a flat surface, such as walls of buildings, mostly of public possession, billboards, jail cells, walls of garages etc. In fact, Princess Hijabs work meets the criteria of graffiti as well. Firstly, her works are painted in public places, such as streets and public transport, on billboards with various publicize campaigns. Secondly, as it has been mentioned above, they are created to attract attention to a particular problem in the society and emit some sort of resistance.Graffiti whitethorn be regarded as an art form based mostly on aesthetic criteria. In particular, unlike simple tags on walls on inside the public transport, more confused paintings require imagination and planning and comprise such artistic elements as composition, color, line, shape, form etc. In addition to this, complex graffiti is painted using technique and skills possessed by artists only. Also, graffiti may be considered as an art form due to the fact that the society has recognized it for today, some works, for example, by such artists as Banksy, are shown in different galleries and even are purchased for great sums of money.At the same time, graffiti may be also considered as vandalism. The main argument is, in fact, comes from the definition of graffiti itself. much specifically, by definition, graffiti is a drawing painted without permission on the property of other plenty or public property.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

intention - Essay ExampleAs you said, the training would be done by you and not by others who kind of frankly do not do it very well. Accordingly, our new-sprung(prenominal) brochures are being prepared. For instance, last class we spoke about my promotion to managerial position when we increased our sales team, if you would consider this to be now, then, I would propose that advertising ideas be done by someone like the person we previously met or alternately, it can be done by someone else who could do a good job, you or I could easily oversee and handle without any doubt. Then, between Brad, Robert and I, we could handle further duties.However, someone contains to malarkey the ship and be authoritative, since we need to introduce more decorum in the office. Because of these new demands, I discombobulate no problem with hiring or firing, I know it could get personal but if it is detrimental to the company, I defy no alternative but to fire the underperforming person. When i n business, I do not have an allegiance to anyone that is not performing well enough to satisfy the numbers we have projected. We also need to make sure we have people on a reserve basis so as not to have empty desks. To do this is not difficult, because there is a steady flow of endowment available and we can interview and have back up without any problem.The need to obtain new accounts should be imperative, encouraged and propelled to the forefront with expected consequence. A new way of merchandising bullion is not difficult to do, we need to crush some numbers with Wilshire and rebook at a reasonable cost and deal outing prices, and this would bring us in line to compete with other companies. For us to be able to sell the Internet calls we get, this gives us the ability to get them into our fold for loads and conversion which is imperative for our long verge goal and hence increase revenue of our company. When the going gets

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Do you accept extra hours at your work Should your work ethic be based Assignment

Do you accept spear carrier hours at your perish Should your work ethic be based upon the state of the economy - Assignment ExampleFor example,my job requires me to have equal to(p) availability on the weekends, howeverI dont always workevery Saturday and Sunday of the month. I deliberate the acceptable amount of extra hours that an organization should expect from their workers are 26 per month apart from the Monday to Fridays 40 hour/week. Also, even thought one might work 9 hours a day, we waste or so 1 hour and 30 minutes per shift so in reality we do non work exactly 40 hours per week. YOUR RESPONSE HERE I agree that in any organization, an employee moldiness be informed of the actual expectations and responsibilities demanded from the job. Like in retail stores, whatever extra hours that need to be rendered should be paid for as overtime pay. These are just to ensure that employees rights are protected and employers assent with the regulations imposed by the Labor Departme nt. Person 2 While I may not completely agree with the demand, I dont think that it is completely unfair. I believe that this subject is more of a rusty area because of what each individual and each company would consider as being reasonable. If you are judge to work extra hours ona regular basis* (i.e. 2 or more extra hours per day) at the same salary, I feel that this is definitely unfair. Looking at it from a personal standpoint, I know that I would feelused and underappreciated.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Brand Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Brand Strategy - Case Study ExampleAs the new Director of Business Development for Aero Motors, I will design a marketing cast that is achievable within the specified period, and that will uphold us market our products. Our patsy strategy ought to be different and unique from the other brands in the market. As much as we want uniqueness, so some people want the same product as we have developed it. The brand strategy ought to be different from others it should be unique to attract customers.Forming Brand strategy is never the same in entirely products it differs with the kind of product that one wants to market. Developing a brand strategy is a top townspeople approach that is determined by a marketing strategy. The marketing team needs to know onward the type of strategies they want to use and should avoid imitation. Uniqueness should be the top objective of brand strategy. in that location are a number of methods of brand strategy that can be used, stigmatization by t hinking involves centralized planning and is the best in bigger companies with a range of products. Another method of brand strategy is branding by imagery it is linked to the use of advertisements that help relate better to the consumer. This is a good form of brand strategy since it involves the customer. Branding by user familiarity targets product quality, usability, and product design. The customer is the most significant in this form of brand strategy. Branding by self-expression involves the customer who combines efforts with the company to help in brand building. The best brand strategy, which can be, used in marketing our product is branding by use of imagery, this is because its sales depend largely on the image. Our brand should predict customers needs and address to them emotionally and experientially, this way the car will do well in the market.For the development of relationships and expansion in the US market, we will ensure that the product is properly distributed s o that it will be accessible in all the motor market in the United States. A strong brand will want more revenue and will sell more.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Relationship between High School Drop Out Rate and Family Income Essay

Relationship between High teach Drop Out Rate and Family Income - Essay ExampleYoungsters, who have not been able to procure stamp down formal education, are posing a threat to their nation. Research has shown that, these children are more likely to bugger off into dangerous criminal activities either due to want of money or by peer meeting effect. There is also danger of drugs, alcohol, smoking and teenage pregnancy. Hence it is important to know why these children pin out of school and what you can do to help them successfully complete their graduation and a air current a happy life.A study by the U.S. Department of Commerce has revealed that this dropout prescribe is related to race, sex, percentage of residence, age and family income (NCES1 1972-2001). Other factors include health and disability, peer group effect, family disputes, parental awareness, real life events, academician challenges, lack of motivation and boring teaching (The silent killer). In our discussion, we shall concentrate on the relationship of full(prenominal) school dropout rate and low family income, because, of all the factors, which influence high school drop out rate, family income is the around vulnerable.According to the Current Population Survey (CPS), Oct 2004, High School Dropout is defined as the proportion of infantile people, aged 16 through 24, who are out of school and who have not earned a high school credential (NCES 2004). However, the California Basic Educational Data System, 2006, defines High School Dropout rate as estimated percentage of public high school students who drop out of high school, based on the four-year derived dropout rate, which is an estimate of the percentage of students who would drop out in a four-year period based on info collected for a single year (CBEDS2, 2006).According to the CPS, the school dropout rate for the year 2003-2004 was about 5 per 100 students enrolled. Also, the previous years statistics prompted there has been a de cline in the high school dropout rate from the year 1972 through 1990 but after that there

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Leadership style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Leadership mode - Essay ExampleTransformational leadership occurs when the leader broadens and elevates the followers entertain and stirs the followers to look beyond their own interest for the good of others (Shermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003. p. 301). President Obama could be considered a transformational leader. Four characteristics of transformational leaders are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration (Thompson, 2009).In my work I have seen how managers have applied different leadership styles in order to motivate employees to strike higher levels of performance. Different managers within the organization used alternate leadership styles. The companys familiar manager is a very outgoing person whose actions inspire the entire staff. His leader style could be categorized as being a transformational leader. One of my supervisors only cares about the operating results. On the a couple of(prenominal) instances this supervisor has spoken to me it has been to provide criticism and exaggerate things. Despite her lack of personality the supervisor gets the telephone circuit done. Her leadership style can be classified as a transactional leader. Transactional leaders involve leader-follower exchanges obligatory for achieving routine performance agreed upon among the leaders and the followers (Schermerhorn, et. al., 2003, p. 301).After a corporate restructuring a a few(prenominal) years ago at my workplace the managers wanted to changed the corporate culture. The executives believed that applying a new leadership style was a good initiative that would help deal implement change. The leadership chosen was Houses path-goal theory. The used of this leadership theory requires for the leader to adjust his / her behavior to support situational contingencies. There are quartet types of leadership that can be applied with the use of House path-goal. The four types of leaderships are directive, supportiv e, achievement-oriented,

Friday, May 10, 2019

College Roommate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

College Roommate - Essay ExampleHaving a college roommate can be both a wonderful as well as alarming experience because one never knows who they will be paired up to live with. However, in about cases, people can even choose their roommates and arrive at their contact information in order to get to know them better even before college starts. In such cases, it is beneficial for people to choose college roommates from separate countries. In order to be able to absorb the ultimate college experience, it is important to pee an open mind and broaden ones horizon with respect to thoughts and ideologies.When one enters college, his main aim is to achieve a good career as well as have an excellent academic response. Every levy would also want their children to have an excellent experience at college because of the high fees that they efficiency be pay and obviously would want to watch their children succeed. Along with this, they would want their children to mix with people coming from good backgrounds that might end up having a good influence and impact on them.Finally, every parent as well as student would want a roommate who would benefit him or her even with admiration to his education. Thus, having a roommate belonging to a different country or a nationality has proven to be very fruitful with a number of people with regard to their education in the ways that have been discussed within the scope of this paper.Most college roommates turn out to be lifelong friends because spending time with them becomes an inescapable part of college life. Even if the roommate does not share all the same classes, one cannot help save meet him or her every time you are in the room spending time, or studying. Thus, having a good friend belonging to a different nationality and culture can be extremely assistive in trying to learn new things.A roommate from another country will channel the scope for learning a new language, trying

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Three Impressionist works of art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Three Impressionist industrial plant of art - Assignment ExampleThis type of art employ light by outlining its changing set up with time and execution. They used short strokes which were thick in painting with mixing of colorize emphasizing the innate light. Impressionists founding members included Edgar withdraw, Eduardo Manet, Camille Pissarro and Claude Monet among others (Dumas, 1999). Introduction Painting was the main impressionist work in Paris, France to which we are overtaking to base our humanistic discipline in three main artists (Herbert 1988). These include Clande Monets art on Impression, a woman with a parasol (1872), Edouard Manets on Olympia (1863-1865) oil in canvas and Edgar Degas on the glass of Absinthe (1876) oil in canvas. These artists can be seen as the founders of impressionism and there arts contributed a lot to the blossom of impression across Europe. Their arts are among the first impressionism in the valet de chambre to which they were then a dopted by other artists like Giuseppe De Nittis who was an Italian, James Abbott McNeill Whistler who was an American among others showing how it spread across Europe (Stuart, 1993). They majorly used nature in representing information to the people in which in this context we can see the luxury impact on women which was negative view of them as they represent negative behaviors on women. Similarities All of the artists are the main founders of impression. They are all believed to have contributed to the emergence as they all united during the opposing moments in showing their different types of arts. The arts are also seen to involve the message of luxury also indicating that there main objective in this type of art is to draw the culture or rather the nature of individuals in that period of time (Thomson, 2000). The three arts are seen to have portrayed the social life during that period. From Edgars art we are able to see the coffeehouse with a glass of wine indicating the l iving standards in Paris. The glass has a drink probably intoxicant which was majorly used by people of the middle and upper class status (Stuart, 1993). Edouards art on Olympia shows prostitute with necklace and a bracelet on the bed a servant standing attached to her. Her head is on the white comfy pillow with the tucked beddings which was mainly seen in the next France by middle and upper class women. In Claudes art on the Impression, sunrise, we can see the movement of people using a boat which is at dawn the sun portraying the upper-class (Dumas, 1999). The mood used by the three artists relied on light and movement. They both use light colors to portray the brighter side and dark colors showcasing the dark side. Movement is also seen as a style used as it showed movement as we can see from Claude Monets art which we see a noblewoman with an umbrella. The arts also used the technique of short strokes in painting as this was the main method acting used in the Impression with the mixing of colors which blended to give the outlook. They avoided the use of dark colors and mainly relied on light and vibrant colors to capture the changing effect of sunlight (Thomson, 2000). In these three types of arts we are able to see that they both tried to convey the message on the culture of the People in France during that period that is luxury. From the visual perspective, Edgar Degass art clearly shows how a lady who looks royal and a gentleman with a glass of Absinthe in a cafe indicating their lifestyle during leisure. The lady